One-To-Many relations are defined in the objects – classes with c# attributes.
The above examples let you explore the possibilities with the OneToMany method
If the call is with the type Club we will get the normal column data and two lists: Teams and Team Players, the Lists are populated with the corresponding data from the tables.
If the Recursive option is set the Club will be populated with the lists and the lists are also populated with the data from the appropriate tables. And because there is also a Notes Foreign key pointing to the Team and Team Players the notes are also fetched.
You see three other lists in this example: TeamMatch, TeamCom and Match, these list has Foreign Keys but they are Many-To-Many relations, so there are not addressed.
The method can hold also a predicate to narrow down the lookup of the table:
TableOneToMany<Club>(x => x.IdC == 1234, true)
TableOneToMany<Team>(x => x.IdT == 5678, true)
See for all the commands: SQLite-Doc